Wednesday, 15 January 2020

Joy Of The First Snowdrops!!


So happy today as I stepped outside to go shopping I saw the very first snowdrop of the year in our front garden!! 

I try to embrace every season but I do find Winter the hardest one to love! Snowdrops however always fill my heart with joy. I know now that nature is waking up and spring is not too far away.

I don't see so many people growing Snowdrops in their gardens these days and I do not understand why.

Snowdrops are undemanding plants and once planted out you can mostly forget about them. They happily multiply each year to give you a beautiful display, then once flowering is over they die down and that's it for another year until you suddenly find one on a cold January day to warm your heart. 

I divide our snowdrops every few years simply so that I can distribute more around the garden. It also prevents them from getting too congested. Dividing them is easy, simply dig up a clump while they still have their leaves. 

Separate gently teasing apart with your hands. Replant some in the original place and plant the rest in small clumps around the garden. Water in and you are done!   

If you are a fan of snowdrops, here is a lovely book. The Plant Lovers Guide To Snowdrops. A lovely gift for yourself or a loved one. 

If you would like to join me and grow snowdrops in your garden it is so easy! 

NEVER dig any snowdrops up from the wild! Rather purchase these plants "in the green" -that means while that they are lifted while they still have leaves and remains of flowers. 

Once you have brought them home or they are delivered try to plant them very soon afterwards for best results.If you leave it for days or worse weeks you may have a high failure rate.

Planting of snowdrops in the green is best done in the Spring time around March.
Plant a few inches under the soil, water then leave them to get on with it. 

As they are small delicate-looking flowers, It is ideal to plant them where you can see them easily. A front garden or even in a raised planter would be great. 

One of my fave flowers, so beautiful, so delicate looking yet tough little flowers that appear in the coldest months of the year and certainly bring joy to my heart! 

If you love snowdrops  you may like to check my store for snowdrop gifts and greeting cards! 

by Annie (Raintree Designs)

Do you like Snowdrops? Do you grow them or love to simply admire them? 

If you like this post please share and do consider joining us on Diary Of A Wild Country Garden Facebook Page 


  1. I love snowdrops and see their beauty smiling out at me on cold winter days. I don't know why I haven't planted them in our backyard. I did plant them in the flower bed of our last home. Somehow, I missed adding them in my seasonal beds here. I will try to remember to rectify that error this spring so I will have them greeting me next winter.

  2. I do love snowdrops and keep thinking we ought to get some for our garden. We don't even have any crocuses, the next to come out here in the UK, but we do have a lot of bluebells which look lovely. Those bright splashes of color are what you need after the bleakness of Winter.
