Monday 18 November 2013

Home-Our Garden, Our Countryside, Our Crafts

Summer Flowers in The Garden

In this blog I would like to by way of a diary, share my love of our garden and the wildlife within it. I would also like to share the country crafts and countryside around us that make this place home and special to us. 

This blog is set in a small country town in the north of England. Upon first glance into any garden, we may not be aware of the life and sheer numbers of wildlife that visit every day. The antics they get up to is an endless source of fascination. I hope to tell you about the birds and the hedgehogs, the squirrels and the insects that are our companions here.   

The changeable British weather is always going to have an impact on wildlife too so you will undoubtedly find me reflecting upon that as most Brits are born to do! 

The sort of crafts that we love and like to decorate our homes with is indeed a reflection of our countryside right outside our door and while not the most "crafty" person myself, I do adore our countryside crafts. 

I hope you enjoy exploring our garden and countryside and country crafts with me :)

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