Friday 22 November 2013

A Stillness In The Garden

Taking a break from writing and housework I went out into our garden. I pottered around a bit tidying here and there and noticed the bird feeders were nearly empty so filled them. Then I stood still with the sun on my face and noticed how very quiet it was.

Such a delicious, peaceful quietness. The odd quiet short song of a bird, a flapping of wings, a twig snapped, but essentially quiet. 

Robin in garden

My little robin friend came down to see me. He arrives on the scene usually within five minutes of me going outside these days. He is taking an educated guess that I may be digging! 

Not today my little friend. but he hopped over and ate the seeds that had dropped from the feeder instead so I did not disappoint him.

Then although the sun was shining beautifully on my face and head I turned and noticed huge dark clouds. Then I felt the first splat of rain on my skin, heavy, slow, can't be bothered type of rain.

I looked around and yes there it was a full arc of a gorgeous rainbow! So pretty with all its colours. It was a stunning yet fleeting sight and the dark clouds rolled over it to obscure it within a minute but I saw it. 

Rain increasing I headed inside. I was so glad I didn't miss all that. It's amazing what you can experience with just a short venture into your own garden :)  


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